#DomesticViolence #Deaf #ASL #DVASL What are the tell-tale signs of Domestic Violence? Watch these presenters explain in ASL what clues would indicate DV and where to go for help. ID+TRANSCRIPT: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17giLEpdLabPrSRFu-6q9U9sW4sn_afLiIA3GK3wl9Y4/edit?usp=sharing
#DomesticViolence #Deaf #ASL #DVASL What are the tell-tale signs of Domestic Violence? Watch these presenters explain in ASL what clues would indicate DV and where to go for help. ID+TRANSCRIPT: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17giLEpdLabPrSRFu-6q9U9sW4sn_afLiIA3GK3wl9Y4/edit?usp=sharing