2017 MSAD Conference- Interpreter Request
Request for interpreter: Email to Lena.Laferriere@gmail.com Deadline to make request(s): August 31, 2017.
MSAD: Community Service Award Nomination (2017)
Here is the link to submit your nomination; https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MQM7GLZ Thank you MSAD Conference Awards …
Commissioner Heidi Reed of the Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing announces new DHILS contracts …
MSAD Conference Announcement
MSAD Conference Co-Chairpersons: Stephanie Hakulin and Jim Lipsky.
S.174: Licensure of interpreters and oral transliterators
Signer: Thomas Minch S.174: Licensure of interpreters and oral transliterators (Welch) https://malegislature.gov/Bills/190/S174.
ASL Version– Summary of S.173 Protects consumers of sign language and oral interpretation
Signer: Thomas Minch ASL Version– Summary of S.173 Protects consumers of sign language and oral interpretation S.173: …